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many books arranged in a spiral shape on a blue background
EPSD Page Turners

There is still time to sign up for our Spring Book Club! The book we will be reading is The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, which explores the impact of social media on young people's lives and the possibilities of a more unplugged life for our kids.

Big thanks to the Estes Park Education Foundation for providing a grant for this venture!

Students on stage practicing for a play.
Witches!? In Salem?!

Come see Witches!? In Salem!? on February 21st 7:00pm and Feb 22nd 1:00pm and 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale now

a pile of old sheet music on top of each other
Robert S. Cohen's Alzheimer's Stories with Orchestra

Estes Park High School Choirs & The Alzheimer's Association 

Alzheimer's Presentation at 5pm
Performance at 7pm

Free & Open to the Public
Thursday, March 13 
Estes Park High School Auditorium
1600 Manford Ave
Sponsored by the Estes Park Education Foundation

Sparklers and fireworks
New Year at EPHS

Estes Park High School is proud to start a new year with you!

Here are some upcoming events to look forward to!

No School on February 14 or 17

High School play Witches In Salem February 21-22.

Photo of students and teachers
Employee of the quarter

Congratulations to Jesus Chariez on being named Employee of the Quarter. His unwavering commitment and positivity have left a lasting impact on students and staff alike.