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Classroom lessons are based on the Colorado Academic Standards.Our goal is for all students to reach proficiency by the end of an academic year.  You can access the standards for all courses and grade levels on the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) website. Detailed information and curriculum links can be found on the specific content pages.

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Explore the Standards

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EPHS uses standardized assessments and other testing to measure student growth, identify student needs, inform parents, guide curriculum, and communicate district performance.

EPHS Assessment Calendar


Overview of the High School Standards

Reading, Writing & Communication

The reading, writing, and communicating standards in the high school grades ask students to be critical readers of complex literary and informational texts. The standards require that students develop the writing skills necessary to convey their experience in the world, to produce thoughtful analyses of academic and real-world topics, and to develop well-reasoned arguments on relevant topics in their lives. The standards foster opportunities for students to work collaboratively with others as they develop the literacy skills to be academically successful and prepared for life after high school.


The mathematics standards in the high school grades build on the strong foundation of number, algebra, statistics, and geometry developed during elementary and middle school. The study of geometry shifts to include more reasoning and proving mathematical ideas. This thinking is extended to all parts of mathematics as students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students learn to apply different kinds of non-linear functions to describe quantities that change in the world around them. They confront problems and persevere in solving them as they strategically apply mathematical tools and techniques.


The science standards for high school build upon the foundation for students to work as scientists by asking testable questions, collecting and analyzing different types of evidence, and by providing rationale for their interpretations through reasoning and/or argumentation. Mastery of these standards will result in students deepening their understanding of science through an application and development of scientific knowledge to the solution of practical problems. Students will experience all three “strands” of the science standards during their secondary years across multiple courses.

Social Studies

Building on the social studies skills developed throughout the elementary and middle school grades, students in high school study world history (Renaissance to the present), world geography, United States history (Reconstruction to the present), economics (including personal financial literacy), and United States government. Throughout high school, students investigate historical events, examine geographic features and resources, consider economic decision-making processes, and analyze the rights, roles, and responsibilities of citizens.

Physical Education

Physical education standards in Grades 6-12 focus on enhancing health-related components of fitness and skill-related components of fitness and personal activity. In each grade, the standards ask students to refine various movement concepts, assess personal behaviors, connect fitness development to body systems, and utilize safety procedures during physical activities. Additionally, in the high school years, students are asked to develop personal fitness plans to reflect on the benefits of committing to life-long health and wellness practices.

Comprehensive Health

The comprehensive health standards in Grades 9-12 focus on enhancing and strengthening skills in the areas of physical, social, and emotional wellness and using those individual skills in family, school, and community environments. In each grade, the standards ask students to deepen their understanding of ways to set and maintain healthy relationships and continue to investigate healthy eating/living habits, positive communication strategies, effective decision-making, and ways to ensure personal and community safety.

The Arts

The visual arts standards in the high school years focus on deeper understanding of the purpose of art and the artmaking. Students “tell their stories” through art making and the study of art, learning advanced studio processes, and tools and materials that support their own artistic vision. Documenting the art making process is an essential element of the visual arts standards in high school. Students examine their art making practice in relationship to other makers and cultures. Career opportunities and the arts’ relationship to society are also explored. 

The music standards in the secondary years are differentiated for skill development: Novice, Intermediate, Proficient, and Accomplished. These levels allow for individualized rigorous musical experiences for students, middle school through high school.

Computer Science

The computer science standards at the high school grades build upon the foundation for students to work as in many fields by asking testable questions, collecting and analyzing different types of evidence, and by providing rationale for their interpretations through reasoning and/or argumentation. Mastery of these standards will result in students deepening their understanding of computer science through an application and development of scientific knowledge to the solution of practical problems. Students will experience all three “strands” of the computer science standards during their secondary years: computational thinking, computing systems and networks, and computer programming.

World Languages

The world languages standards in high school create a roadmap to guide Grade 9-12 students in the process of learning a new language and understanding diverse cultural perspectives, as well as developing insights into their language and culture at the appropriate developmental stage. The standards reflect a performance-based discipline which emphasizes communication skills (interpersonal speaking and writing; interpretive reading, listening, and viewing and presentational speaking and writing) in a new language to navigate real-life situations. Students use the newly acquired language while making connections with other academic disciplines, comparing both the nature of language and the nature of culture with their own language and the one being learned and with investigation and interaction of cultural practices and products to better understand multiple perspectives. These standards prepare students to participate more fully in the interconnected global community and the international marketplace.