World Languages
World Language Staff
EPHS World Language Requirements
Minimum Required Courses in World Language: Must accumulate 15.0 credits in elective courses in grades 9-12
The Class of 2028 have a 1.0 credit requirement for World Language
Students may earn credit for the elective requirement in any world language courses.
Recommended Courses in World Language: Take as much language as possible
World Language Course Descriptions
World Language Courses
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Spanish for Native Speakers
- Spanish for Native Speakers II
- AP Spanish
Spanish I
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12 Duration & credit: 2 semesters| 1.0 credit Credit type: World Language
This course is designed to engage students to converse on everyday issues such as greetings, the weather, family, school, activities and other topics. The target proficiency is Novice Mid to Novice High according to ACTFL/Colorado proficiency levels.
Spanish II
Spanish II reinforces and builds upon skills learned in Spanish I. It is designed to enable students to handle simple everyday tasks in the Spanish language (e.g. handling routine travel needs or taking care of physical needs.) Students may begin to generate spontaneous and original conversation and written passages. The cultural competencies introduced in Spanish I are further explored and expanded. Spanish is the language of communication in the classroom. The target proficiency is Novice High to Intermediate Low according to ACTFL/Colorado proficiency levels.
Spanish III
This course offers an in-depth study in the areas of daily life, customs, art, literature, and history. Social and cultural issues of Spain, Mexico, and Central and South America are investigated through readings, research and compositions. Spanish is the language of communication in the classroom. The target proficiency is Intermediate Low to Intermediate Mid according to ACTFL/Colorado proficiency levels.
Spanish for Native Speakers
Designed for heritage learners of Spanish, this course can accommodate students from a wide range of backgrounds, from those who are minimally functional (can comprehend Spanish but are not able to speak fluently, read or write) to those who are more proficient and/or literate in Spanish. This course focuses on the development of communicative competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening and viewing, as well as on understanding Hispanic cultures and issues of identity of heritage speakers of Spanish in the United States. Students will also develop an awareness and understanding of Hispanic cultures, including language variation, customs, geography, history, and current events. During this course, students will gain confidence using Spanish to express their own thoughts. The recommended entrance requirement is the Intermediate-Mid level of proficiency in listening comprehension on the ACTFL scale. It is not necessary that students speak or write at the Intermediate level prior to entering the course.
Spanish for Native Speakers II
This course is designed for heritage learners of Spanish who bring strong proficiency and literacy skills in Spanish. This course focuses on the development of advanced communicative competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening and viewing, as well as on understanding Hispanic cultures and issues of identity of heritage speakers of Spanish in the United States. Students will also continue to develop awareness and understanding of Hispanic cultures, including language variation, customs, geography, history, and current events. The recommended entrance requirement is the Intermediate-High level of proficiency in listening comprehension on the ACTFL scale, and Intermediate-Mid level of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking.
AP Spanish
The AP course in Spanish prepares students to take the Advanced Placement exam in Spanish language. Spanish is the language of communication in the classroom. It is designed to be comparable in difficulty to a full-year course in Spanish composition and conversation at the college junior-level. Students may be given an assignment to work on over the summer. The students incur the cost of taking the AP exam and college credits may be awarded based on each individual’s score. The target proficiency will vary from Intermediate Mid to Intermediate High according to ACTFL/Colorado proficiency levels.
High School World Language Curriculum
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Spanish for Native Speakers I
- Spanish for Native Speakers II
- AP Spanish
Spanish I
Quarter 1
Unidad Preliminar
Learning Targets
- Students spell and pronounce Spanish words
Students ask someone's name and give their name
Students greet someone politely
Students say goodbye and use expressions of courtesy
Students name objects in their classroom
Students use common classroom phrases
Students ask questions
Students say the day and the date
Students talk about school subjects and state the time
Students talk about the weather and the seasons
Unit 1: México- Amigos en México
Learning Targets
- Students identify themselves and others appropriately in their own and other cultures
Students describe themselves and others in their own and other cultures
Students describe family relationships
Students express temporary conditions and can talk about their feelings and those of others
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to present their family alongside a family portrait by a Mexican artist and describe the people in each
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Puerto Rico: La vivienda en el Caribe
Learning Targets
- Students identify and describe their home and homes in other cultures
Students express the existence and location of items in a home in their own and other cultures
Students express the typical actions done at home in their own and other cultures
Students express leisure activities and activities that need to be done at home in their own and other cultures
Unit 3: Guatemala- De compras en Centroamérica
Learning Targets
- Students talk with a partner about shopping in their own and other cultures
Students express their likes and dislikes related to clothing and footwear
Students describe and compare clothing and footwear in their own and other cultures
Students communicate in shopping situations in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to talk to a friend about clothing that they like and dislike and discuss fashion styles in Guatemala
Quarter 3
Unit 4: Perú- La comida en los Andes
Learning Targets
- Students express varying degrees of likes and preferences regarding foods in their own and other cultures
Students express their needs relating to foods in their own and other cultures
Students express and describe actions related to dining in their own and other cultures
Students describe eating habits and food preparation in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to choose and describe a Peruvian dish for an international food festival, and express and support your opinions about it
Unit 5: España- La salud en España
Learning Targets
- Students identify body parts and describe senses in their own and other cultures
Students describe personal hygiene practices in their own and other cultures
Students describe a person's physical condition in their own and other cultures
Students tell people what to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to present information and exchange advice about health and hygiene habits to prevent illness
Unit 6: España- La salud en España
Learning Targets
- Students can give advice and commands regarding school and work in their own and other cultures.
Students can plan leisure activities within their community and in other cultures.
Students can express what is happening at free-time events in their own and other cultures.
Students can describe what sports people play in their own and other cultures.
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to write to an e-pal about plans for free-time activities in Little Havana.
Quarter 4
Unit 7: Argentina- De viajo por tierra de los gauchos
Learning Targets
- Students can talk about past actions during a trip or vacation in their own and other cultures
Students can express actions related to travel in their own and other cultures
Students can express where people went and what they did there in their own and other cultures
Students can tell someone what to do and what not to do in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to create a travel guide describing a day trip in Argentina
Unit 8: Chile- La naturaleza en los Andes
Learning Targets
- Students can express the reasons for actions and events in their own and other cultures.
Students can identify geographical features in Chile and other locations, using both specific and indefinite quantities.
Students can narrate where people were and what they did, said, and saw in their own and other cultures.
Students can express what can and can't be done regarding environmental issues in their own and other cultures.
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to write a poem for an Earth Day event inspired by an important Chilean poet's work.
Spanish II
Quarter 1
Unidad Preliminar
Learning Targets
- Students can describe and identify
Students can express habitual tastes and actions
Students can express habitual actions
Students can express place and existence
Unit 1: Centroamérica- Las relaciones personales
Learning Targets
- Students can identify themselves and others appropriately in their own and other cultures
Students can describe people in culturally appropriate ways
Students can express states and feelings in their own and other cultures
Students can ask and answer questions in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to present a figure from Nicaraguan folklore, describe it, and compare it to a figure from your own culture
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Las Antillas- La vivienda
Learning Targets
- Students can express the progress of common household actions in their own and other cultures
Students can identify and describe homes and places in their own and other cultures
Students can express household actions done for others in their own and other cultures
Students can describe neighborhoods in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to talk about the features of an ideal and eco-friendly home, and then design a "dream home" for your partner
Unit 3: Andes Centrales- La moda
Learning Targets
- Students can express past actions and clothing choices in their own and other cultures
Students can describe clothing in their own and other cultures and narrate what happened in the past
Students can narrate what happened in places in their own community and in other cultures
Students can talk about past shopping experiences in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to write an e-mail about an experience shopping for carnival costumes in Oruro, Bolivia
Quarter 3
Unit 4: Norteamérica- La comida
Learning Targets
- Students can describe ingredients and quantities related to food in their own and other cultures
Students can give instructions related to food and shopping in their own and other cultures
Students can give instructions to prepare a simple dish from their own and other cultures
Students can tell people what to do and what not to do in dining-related situations in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to present and talk about healthy alternatives to common dishes, and give instructions for how to prepare them
Unit 5: España- El bienestar y la salud
Learning Targets
- Students can identify body parts and describe people in their own and other cultures
Students can talk about personal hygiene habits in their own and other cultures
Students can describe illnesses and health care in their own and other cultures
Students can give recommendations about healthy eating and lifestyle habits in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to participate in a campaign about the importance of taking care of one's health by giving a short presentation about healthy habits and home remedies
Unit 6: Caribe continental- De viaje
Learning Targets
- Students can describe habits in the past related to travel in their own and other cultures.
Students can narrate past actions related to travel by air or train in their own and other cultures.
Students can talk about car or bus travel experiences in the past in their own and other cultures.
Students can tell anecdotes about past travel experiences in their own and other cultures.
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to write a travel blog entry about a trip to Colombia or Venezuela in which you describe your preparations for the trip and what you did while there.
Quarter 4
Unit 7: Argentina- Río de la Plata- El ocio, la escuela, y el trabajo
Learning Targets
- Students can identify people, places, and objects at a school in their own and other cultures
Students can express wants and preferences regarding professions in their own and other cultures
Students can express feelings and opinions about hobbies and pastimes in their own and other cultures
Students can express doubt and uncertainty and make value statements regarding sports in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to participate in a career fair by writing a "help wanted" ad for a bilingual job
Unit 8: Chile-La Panamericana-La naturaleza y la geografía
Learning Targets
- Students can identify, describe, and compare places in their own and other cultures
Students can talk about future plans related to their own geographical area and countries around the world
Students can talk about future weather conditions and other events in their own and other cultures
Students can talk about actions that can be done to protect animals and the environment in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: By the end of this unit, students will be able to gather information about an endangered species, make a presentation about it, and talk about how to protect the environment and endangered species
Spanish III
Quarter 1
Unidad Preliminar
Learning Targets
- Students talk about current actions and situations
Students describe routines
Students talk about past actions
Students tell someone to do something
Students ask and answer questions appropriately
Students use regular and irregular verbs properly
Students compare and contrast information
Students initiate and engage in meaningful conversations
Students distinguish between true and false statements
Students describe a class schedule
Students talk about travel and vacation destinations
Students talk about past experiences
Students give suggestions or advice
Unit 1: ¿Cómo eres? Las personas y la familia
Learning Targets
- Students describe and compare people and literary characters from their own and other cultures
Students speak about actions and events in the past from their own life and events in other cultures
Students narrate and describe past events from their own or other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write your own legend, which will be included in an exhibition about myths and legends from around the world
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Entre amigos- Vida social
Learning Targets
- Students express feelings about friendship in their own and other cultures
Students express likes, wishes and preferences about social events in their culture and others
Students express future plans, needs, and obligations about social events in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, student will compose an email for one of their friends where they express why they are a good friend and will invite them to celebrate their friendship
Unit 3: Tus cosas- La ropa y la vivienda
Learning Targets
- Students describe modern and traditional manners of dress in their own and other cultures
Students describe objects from their own and other cultures
Students narrate and describe experiences and events in the past
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will design and describe an outfit with accessories that reflect aspects of Hispanic culture
Quarter 3
Unit 4: Vida sana- La alimentación y la salud
Learning Targets
- Students give advice about healthy eating and nutrition in their own and other cultures
Students express opinions about healthy habits and hygiene practices in their own and other cultures
Students give advice and make recommendations about situations and habits that are healthy in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an article about a healthy lifestyle which includes recommendations and advice for students
Unit 5: ¿Trabajas? El trabajo y las profesiones
Learning Targets
- Students express certainties and doubts about jobs and professions in their own and other cultures
Students refer to myself in regards to abilities and related details for job opportunities in their own and other cultures
Students express their emotions and discuss difficulties related to community service and volunteering
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will decide about a volunteer opportunity that interests them and will write a letter to express their interest in the opportunity
Unit 6: Tus aficiones-El tiempo libre y los viajes
Learning Targets
- Students express their opinion about movies and theater in their own and other cultures
Students express probability and purpose about sporting events in their own and other cultures
Students express what others have said and talk about travel and lodging
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an email to the director of student events about the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
Quarter 4
Unit 7: Por el planeta- La naturaleza y el medio ambiente
Learning Targets
- Students express conditions and hypothesize about the environment in their own and other cultures
Students express their thoughts about weather and events related to the sun in their own and other cultures
Students express the causes and consequences of the environmental problems in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will create a presentation about environmental protection which will be transmitted as a podcast in school
Unit 8: En sociedad-Historia, política y sociedad
Learning Targets
- Students describe and narrate historical events in their own and other cultures
Students describe real events related with the government and civic affairs in their own and other cultures
Students express wishes, feelings, and opinions about diversity and tolerance in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an essay in Spanish, in which they will discuss diversity within and between cultures
Spanish for Native Speakers I
Quarter 1
Unidad Preliminar
Learning Targets
- Students discuss current actions and situations
Students describe routines
Students talk about past actions
Students tell someone to do something
Students ask and answer questions appropriately
Students use regular and irregular verbs properly
Students compare and contrast information
Students initiate and engage in meaningful conversations
Students distinguish between true and false statements
Students describe a class schedule
Students discuss travel and vacation destinations
Students discuss past experiences
Students give suggestions or advice
Unit 1: ¿Cómo eres? Las personas y la familia
Learning Targets
- Students describe and compare people and literary characters from their own and other cultures
Students speak about actions and events in the past from their own life and events in other cultures
Students narrate and describe past events from their own or other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write your own legend, which will be included in an exhibition about myths and legends from around the world
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Entre amigos- Vida social
Learning Targets
- Students express feelings about friendship in their own and other cultures
Students express likes, wishes and preferences about social events in their culture and others
Students express future plans, needs, and obligations about social events in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, student will compose an email for one of their friends where they express why they are a good friend and will invite them to celebrate their friendship
Unit 3: Tus cosas- La ropa y la vivienda
Learning Targets
- Students describe modern and traditional manners of dress in their own and other cultures
Students describe objects from their own and other cultures
Students narrate and describe experiences and events in the past
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will design and describe an outfit with accessories that reflect aspects of Hispanic culture
Quarter 3
Unit 4: Vida sana- La alimentación y la salud
Learning Targets
- Students give advice about healthy eating and nutrition in their own and other cultures
Students express opinions about healthy habits and hygiene practices in their own and other cultures
Students give advice and make recommendations about situations and habits that are healthy in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an article about a healthy lifestyle which includes recommendations and advice for students
Unit 5: ¿Trabajas? El trabajo y las profesiones
Learning Targets
- Students express certainties and doubts about jobs and professions in their own and other cultures
Students refer to myself in regards to abilities and related details for job opportunities in their own and other cultures
Students express their emotions and discuss difficulties related to community service and volunteering
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will decide about a volunteer opportunity that interests them and will write a letter to express their interest in the opportunity
Unit 6: Tus aficiones-El tiempo libre y los viajes
Learning Targets
- Students express their opinion about movies and theater in their own and other cultures
Students express probability and purpose about sporting events in their own and other cultures
Students express what others have said and talk about travel and lodging
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an email to the director of student events about the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
Quarter 4
Unit 7: Por el planeta-La naturaleza y el medio ambiente
Learning Targets
- Students express conditions and hypothesize about the environment in their own and other cultures
Students express their thoughts about weather and events related to the sun in their own and other cultures
Students express the causes and consequences of the environmental problems in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will create a presentation about environmental protection which will be transmitted as a podcast in school
Unit 8: En sociedad-Historia, política y sociedad
Learning Targets
- Students describe and narrate historical events in their own and other cultures
Students describe real events related with the government and civic affairs in their own and other cultures
Students express wishes, feelings, and opinions about diversity and tolerance in their own and other cultures
IPA Goal: At the end of this unit, students will write an essay in Spanish, in which they will discuss diversity within and between cultures
Spanish for Native Speakers II
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Sentir y vivir
Learning Targets
- Students talk about personalities
Students converse about personal relations
Students ask and answer questions about tastes
Students communicate feelings
Students investigate Latin culture in the US
Unit 2: Vivir en la ciudad
Learning Targets
- Students converse about living in the city
Students talk about public transport
Students narrate past events
Students investigate Mexican culture
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Un mundo conectado
Learning Targets
- Students think about types of media
Students converse about movies
Students tell people what to do
Students think about television
Students investigate the cultures of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic
Unit 4: Generaciones en movimiento
Learning Targets
- Students talk about families
Students converse about the generation gap
Students speak about uncertainties
Students narrate a family history
Students investigate the cultures of Central America
Unit 5: Las riquezas naturales
Learning Targets
- Students speak about nature
Students converse about the future
Students say what they would do in different situations
Students investigate the natural marvels of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela
Quarter 3
Unit 6: El valor de las ideas
Learning Targets
- Students talk about politics
Students converse about future political situations
Students compare and contrast
Students investigate Chilean culture
Unit 7: Perspectivas laborales
Learning Targets
- Students give advice about work
Students discuss what should get done
Students give a work interview
Students investigate the cultures of Bolivia and Paraguay
Unit 8: Ciencia y tecnología
Learning Targets
- Students think about science and technology
Students talk about cloning and other scientific advances
Students describe what has happened in the past
Students investigate Peruvian culture
Quarter 4
Unit 9: Escapar y divertirse
Learning Targets
- Students converse about fun activities
Students talk about travel
Students speculate about what will have happened
Students talk about hypothetical situations
Students investigate the cultures of Argentina and Uruguay
Unit 10: Herencia y destino
Learning Targets
- Students make predictions about the future
Students think about immigration
Students talk about past, present and future events
Students investigate Spanish culture
AP Spanish
Quarter 1
Tema 1: Las familias y las comunidades
Learning Targets
- Students demonstrate how different societies define family
Students evaluate how individuals contribute to the well-being of communities
Students distinguish differences in the roles that communities and families assume in the diverse societies of the world
Sub-unit 1: Latin Grammy Project
Learning Targets
- Students give their opinion about cultural events
Students justify their opinion with evidence
Students investigate about important artists in the Hispanic community
Quarter 2
Tema 2: Las identidades personales y públicas
Learning Targets
- Students compare how distinctive aspects of identity are expressed
Students assess how language and culture influence one’s identity
Students appraise how identity develops over time
Sub-unit 2: Día de muertos
Learning Targets
- Students reflect on the contributions of people to our society
Students celebrate the life of their ancestors
Students participate in community events that honor Hispanic heritage and culture
Quarter 3
Tema 3: La belleza y la estética
Learning Targets
- Students summarize how perceptions of beauty and creativity are established
Students evaluate how ideals about beauty and aesthetics influence daily life
Students write about how the arts challenge and reflect cultural perspectives
Tema 4: La ciencia y la tecnología
Learning Targets
- Students assess the impact of scientific and technological development have in our lives
Students analyze the factors that have driven development and innovation in science and technology
Tema 5: La vida contemporánea
Learning Targets
- Students define quality of life in a variety of social contexts
Students evaluate how culture is reflected in contemporary life
Students explain some challenges of contemporary life
Quarter 4
Tema 6: Los desafíos mundiales
Learning Targets
- Students compare the social, political, and environmental challenges that societies face
Students evaluate the origins of those challenges
Students develop some possible solutions to those challenges
Sub-unit 6: AP Exam preparation
Learning Targets
- Students interpret written and audio texts in a variety of genres and choose responses that reflect accurate interpretations of the texts
Students communicate in a variety of modalities (written and oral), responding to questions and engaging in conversations, developing reasoned arguments, and comparing different aspects of cultures