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Estes Park High School encourages all students to explore their passions through the 20+ activities and extra-curricular opportunities that are offered to students throughout the year.
- Art Club
- Band
- Beekeeping Club
- Choir
- Environmental Club
- FCA*
- Game Club
- Interact
- Key Club
- Knowledge Bowl
- Mountain Bike Club*
- National Honor Society
- Sister Cities
- Ski Club
- Student Council
- Superintendent's Council
- Thespian Troupe
- Youth in Action
Art Club
The Art Club offers art experiences and opportunities that go beyond the classroom. Club members will be able to create their own work based on their artistic and craft interests. Creating public art, competing in art competitions ,and participating the our local art community with the Estes Arts District are a few of the outreach activities the club will participate in. The club will raise money to visit art shows, museums, and galleries by selling their artwork.
The club will focus on the interests of the members.
- Visual Art
- Dance
- Face Painting
- Crafts
- Performance Art
- Silk Screening
- Fashion Design
Sponsor: Ilah Reynar
The Estes Park High School Band is a hardworking group of students that performs competitively across Colorado. The group performs as a marching band, concert band, jazz band, and pep band. The marching band has earned first place in 1A at the Colorado State Marching Competition three years in a row.
The marching band rehearses during the school day and on Saturday mornings throughout the fall. The concert band has earned Superior and Excellent ratings annually at CHSAA regional concert band festivals. Students in band also have the opportunity to be in the jazz band, which meets before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays as a zero hour class.
Check us out on Facebook!
Sponsor: Kaylin Brennan
Beekeeping Club
The purpose of the EPSD Beekeeping Club is to learn about honey bees, their colony, the hive, and their role on our planet. Students will dress in full veils so that they may experience what it means to be a real beekeeper. Activities include, but are not limited to: maintaining our indoor and outdoor hives, helping to raise money for our program with a biannual Honey Fundraiser, educating peers in our district, and learning about pollinator plants that help our honey bees thrive.
Grades: K-12
Sponsor: Erinn Wharton
Meeting Dates & Times: Mondays, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Once a month August - May (Summer dates TBD)
Enrollment: Fall Enrollment, space is limited
Estes Park High School offers 4 choral ensembles for student participation and exploration of musical arts.
Concert Choir
Concert Choir is the flagship choral ensemble for sophomores, juniors and seniors. The focus is totally performance-based as this group performs about 10 times each year in concerts, festivals and contests. One of the highlights is the performing of the National Anthem at a Denver Nuggets' game. Emphasis is placed upon learning a vast array of repertoire, proper vocal technique and ensemble singing.
Treble Choir
Treble Choir is a choral ensemble for any level of student that sings soprano or alto. While the focus is largely performance-based, this group's concentration is learning a vast array of repertoire, proper vocal technique and ensemble singing. One of the highlights is the combined choirs performing the National Anthem at a Denver Nuggets' game.
Tenor/Bass Choir
Tenor/Bass Choir is a choral ensemble for any level of student that sings tenor or bass. While the focus is largely performance-based, this group's concentration is learning a vast array of repertoire, proper vocal technique and ensemble singing. One of the highlights is the combined choirs performing the National Anthem at a Denver Nuggets' game.
Major 13
Major13 is a choral ensemble for sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Members of Major13 are required to be a member of one of the other EPHS choral ensembles. While the focus is largely performance-based, this group's concentration is singing popular music and vocal jazz.
Sponsor: Alan Denney
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club is a volunteer based club, where members who care not only about the environment but also our school come together to try and instigate change. Through various service projects, we seek to spread awareness about environmentally responsible activities and habits.
Sponsor: Alex Harris
Sponsor: Sierra Peterson
Sponsor: Carrie Martin
The Estes Park Future Farmers of America Chapter is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, career success and personal growth as a result of their experience in the agricultural education program at Estes Park High School, their Supervised Agriculture Experience (Work Based Learning) and their participation in the Estes Park FFA Chapter.
Future Farmers of America is a student lead organization, one of the largest national student organizations in the country, with over 850,000 student members. Students will have the opportunity to compete in local and state level Leadership Development Events and Career Development Events. Students will also have opportunities to compete for scholarships in many different areas through the National FFA organization.
Game Club
Game Club
The mission of the Game Club is to foster a welcoming and lighthearted community around social game play (including board games, role-playing games, and trading card games) and to create a play environment that allows for all players to have fun and express themselves through the games they love.
Sponsor: Dan Copeland
The Gender Sexuality Alliance club offers support and education for LGBTQIA+ students and staff members.
Sponsor: Kaylin Brennan
HOSA Future Health Professionals is an organization for career and technical education students enrolled in health science education programs, or for students who are planning to pursue a health career. The activities of HOSA provide occupational skills as well as leadership skills. We participate in conferences and competitions as well as other career exploration and development programs, and have fun too!
Sponsor: Cynda Basch
Sponsor: Jon Anderson
Key Club
Caring: Our Way of Life
The Key Club has a goal to complete one service activity each month. They are also a club that focuses on building leadership in students. The Key Club is part of an international student lead organization that is supported through Kiwanis.
Sponsor: Pam Frey
Knowledge Bowl
Knowledge Bowl is a fun, fast-paced academic competition. If you played Brain Bowl in Middle School, it is the High School level of Brain Bowl. If you enjoy trivia games, TV game shows, and fun games about what you know, you will enjoy Knowledge Bowl too. We travel to schools around the Front Range to compete in 4-6 tournaments on Saturday mornings from November through February. We always hope to move on to the State Championships in March, and the caliber of students in our schools makes us very competitive. Last year we placed 5th in 3A schools at the State Tournament! We meet during lunch 1-2 times per week from October through February, and we practice with questions about literature, language, history, geography, math, science, pop culture and the occasional sports trivia question.
Sponsor: Glenn Case
Mountain Bike Club*
National Honor Society
NHS is an academic honor society for which students must be invited to apply and then selected for membership based on scholarship (minimum 3.5 grade average), character, leadership, and service. It is a service organization that works to help the school and the community through group and individual projects. Chapter meetings for members are on the 1st Thursday each month. Executive Committee (Officer) meetings are an additional day each month. Colleges, universities, and employers are never disappointed to see NHS activities on someone’s application!
Membership Requirements at Estes Park High School
Uphold the Four Pillars of the National Honor Society
Scholarship Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher.
Leadership Contribute as a leader in your school and the greater Estes Park community.
Service Meet community service hour requirements.
Character Make positive choices and uphold moral and ethical principles at school and in your community.
Community Service
Each member must contribute community service hours to uphold their membership. First year members are required to complete 20 hours for the school year, or 10 hours per semester. Second and third year members are required to complete 30 hours of community service for the school year, or 15 hours per semester.
These hours can be served through NHS group projects and individual projects. Members must participate in at least two NHS sponsored activities per year, to be determined at meetings. Community service hours should benefit the greater good by helping others. For example, helping pick-up trash benefits the community; attending a lecture on picking up trash helps you, but not the greater good until action is put into place!
Community Service hours need to be turned into Ms. Somer Hightower. A service log can be found here. If necessary, more or less hours can be completed per semester as long as the final count is completed by the end of the school year. Need ideas for community service hours? Attend meetings to brainstorm and share ideas!
Grounds for Dismissal from NHS
Not adhering to and maintaining the four principles of NHS
Not completing your required community service hours
- Not participating in at least two NHS sponsored activities per year
- Not attending the majority of NHS group meetings (held before or after school, or during lunch)
- Not maintaining a 3.5 GPA or higher
Become a Member
New candidates will be notified at the end of the school year and invited to apply within the first few weeks of school. Focus on your grades, leadership opportunities, and service/volunteer hours, and always on being a good role model and showing excellent character!
Sponsor: Somer Hightower
Sister Cities
Sponsor: Cynda Basch
Ski Club
The Estes Park High School Backcountry Ski Club is a group of students dedicated to exploring the winter landscapes of Rocky Mountain National Park, particularly the renowned Hidden Valley backcountry ski area. Through the winter we organize regular outings to Hidden Valley, offering an opportunity to learn and improve backcountry planning and skiing skills. Whether you're a seasoned backcountry skier or a beginner eager to try something new, our club provides a safe and supportive environment for all skill levels.
Sponsor: Alex Harris
Student Council
To cultivate student leaders that take pride in their school environment, take ownership in their accomplishments, and encourage a spirited and service-oriented student community within Estes Park High School, the Estes Park community, and beyond.
- Homecoming week:
- Dance and events
- Bonfire
- Movie night
- Powder/powerpuff
- Dress up days
- Holiday door decoration contest
- Winter informal dance
- Pep rallies
- "R15E Above" Brick Program and Scholarship
- Happiness Week
Sponsor: Pam Frey
Superintendent's Council
The opinions and concerns of the students of Estes Park Schools are important to the Superintendent and the Board of Education.
This group of students serves as a leadership group to represent students in EPSD and provide input on how policies impact students. Two student representatives attend each Board of Education meeting to present a report on behalf of students in the school district in a public meeting. If you have ideas, thoughts, questions, or concerns you want brought to the attention of the Superintendent, contact one of these representatives.
We meet in the Student Resource Center every Tuesday during lunch at 11:45 am. Members of the Superintendent's Council are selected by the Superintendent through a recommendation process.
Check out the Superintendent's Council podcast HERE!
Sponsor: Ruby Bode
Kenneth | Oliver | |
Gabriela | Sophie | |
Mica |
Thespian Troupe
Thespian Society History
“The Society was established in 1929. The organization is named for Thespis, the ancient Greek who, according to legend, stepped out from the chorus and became the first actor. The Society’s guiding principle is a dedication to excellence in educational theatre. The International Thespian Society honors those students who do theatre well.” - Educational Theatre Association
The Estes Park High School Thespian Troupe #7284 was established in 2008. Every year this troupe is responsible for producing/sponsoring the High School musical and play.
Troupe #7284 also participates in the international Thespian Convention in Denver every year. This is a weekend where thespians from all over the state come together to partake in workshops, compete in individual events, audition for scholarships, and watch each other perform.
Become a member
You can become a member of the Thespian Troupe by being in a production! This can include acting, building sets, helping with costumes, stage crew, or working with tech.
Sponsor: Jordanne Bradley
Youth in Action
Youth in Action is a student group that works closely with the Estes Park Non Profit Resource Center. Through the organization students are provided with the opportunity to be a part of local nonprofits and learn how they work to provide assistance to our community. Students also get to develop volunteer activities where they can work with other groups to give back to the community.
Sponsor: Marsha Weaver